AI Server Head Node

Deliver high-performance, robust PCIe® link connectivity with optimized thermal efficiency for CPU root complex server boards that connect to GPU baseboards in AI servers.

Similar Solutions


  • AI servers with multiple connectors between the AI head node to the GPU baseboard present PCIe signal integrity and link stability challenges
  • Developing dense AI servers with high performance PCIe connectivity introduces routing, power delivery, and thermal design constraints
  • Head nodes managing the activities of other servers in the cluster require devices with flexible software for diagnostics, customization, and Link, Fleet, and RAS management
  • Dense PCIe links between multiple GPUs, CPU root complexes, PCIe switches, and other endpoints present risks in system design and data center deployment without rigorous interop testing

Solution: Aries PCIe®/CXL® Smart DSP Retimer

  • Purpose-built for demanding AI server channels, delivering robust signal integrity and link stability over long distances for dense GPU baseboards with multiple high-speed connectors
  • Low latency with a compact footprint for optimized performance, power consumption and thermal efficiency
  • Real-time lane, link and device health monitoring and management features with Astera Labs’ COSMOS suite that provides comprehensive diagnostics and telemetry
  • Rigorous interop testing in our Cloud-Scale Interop Lab with leading GPU, CPU, PCIe switch, network, and storage endpoints to minimize interoperation and accelerate time-to-market